In 2007 the draft Shoreline Management Plan for where I live proposed that the area might undergo 'managed realignment', with homes lost to the sea uncompensated in as little as 20 years. I was active in campaigning against this proposal, which was subsequently modifed. Since then I have developed a research interest in the social justice aspects of government policy with respect to climate change and coastal planning, to which this blog is devoted.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Last weekend
I travelled to the south coast to conduct an interview for the research I’m
doing on coastal change and the inclusivity of the arrangements by which
decisions are made about, for example, whether or not to defend areas from the
sea and efforts at regeneration that might impact upon such decisions in the
future. Roland O’Brien,
my interviewee, was generous to me in every possible way: with coffee, lunch,
time and a willingness to talk freely about his experience. I am particularly
grateful to him for his time because, as a consequence of his commitment to
ensuring that people where he lives have a say in what happens to them, and his
ongoing wish that they should get a better shake, this is a commodity in short
It was in the
mid-2000s that draft plans with regard to coastal defence in his area were made
public, placing hundreds of homes in the vicinity under threat. Angered, Roland roused
support against these plans, formed a campaign group and began researching,
writing and lobbying. The scale of his commitment has been astonishing –
amongst other things, he has been central to the establishment of an area-wide regeneration
group, developed a bid for national funding for a regeneration scheme, and
served as a local councillor on the back of the need for his area to be
defended from the sea. I spoke to him in his office tucked away in the eaves of
his house; it is crammed with box files of literature of various kinds which,
it strikes me, is a suitable metaphor for the effect of this work on his life
and that of his family. This work, this commitment, fills their lives.
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Roland O'Brien in his office. Out of shot sit shelf after shelf of box files containing the minutaie of his campaigning work. Note the portrait of Don Quixote. |
At the moment Roland works on an assembly line for money, whilst his wife Angela teaches. It would be
fair to say that they are not rich. He used to work as an agricultural labourer,
and whilst the money was not great he enjoyed a degree of freedom to exercise
some flexibility with his time. He lost that job, however, and now struggles to
make daytime-scheduled Council meetings to the extent that he has to use the
very limited amount of holiday over which he has discretion to this end. He
told me that he has asked that meetings be held in the evening so that he and
other working people can attend, but has made no impression. Nonetheless, his evenings remain filled with
the job of trying to get a better deal for people.
All of this
has taken what sounds like an astonishing toll on his life and those around
him, both financially and in health terms. Not so long ago he told me that his
already limited income had dropped between a quarter and a third as a
consequence of his commitment, and that he had suffered a physical collapse
when the stress of activity had been especially acute. This year he is going to
use his holiday time to spend a week in France with his family, and if anybody
deserves to enjoy some time off it is surely these people. Would it hurt politicians and officials to
pay a bit more heed to the toll that civic participation, increasingly vital to
the legitimacy of their policy decisions, can exert on people’s lives? My heart sinks when I read yet another policy
document that contains within it the vague but killer phrase “We will work in
partnership with communities…”, because this will almost certainly require
somebody’s life to be turned upside down, possibly with pernicious effects, and
pass unacknowledged. Yesterday, when Roland and I walked past signage
at a completed regeneration site that was significantly the result of his efforts he pointed out that at least one organisation that had
managed to get its name attached to the end result had had no meaningful
involvement in it. Meanwhile, his many hours of work, and perseverance in the
face of what sounds like organisational politicking and a variety of obstacles
placed in his path, had gone unremarked upon. That he observed this with a
good, if weary humour, is of great credit to him.
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