Winners and losers - natural,
inevitable and evolutionary or created by processes that
benefit some at the
expense of others?
You say adaptation, I
say adaptation (let’s call the whole thing off)
we’re going to talk about adaptation in the context of climate change it is
probably a good idea to be clear about what we mean. In a hugely influential
paper published in 2006 (generating a whopping 686 academic citations by my
recent count), Smit and Wandel suggest that there whilst there are numerous
definitions of adaptation to be found in the literature on climate change, they
are mostly variations on a theme: “Adaptation in the context of human
dimensions of global change usually refers to a process, action or outcome
(system, household, community, group, sector, region, country) in order for the
system to better cope with, manage or adjust to some changing condition,
hazard, risk or opportunity.” (p.282)
talking about scale or, in simpler language, who or what is required to do the
adapting, Smit and Wandel[1] observe that analyses
range from consideration of an individual or household at one of the spectrum
to the whole of mankind at the other. On a related point, adaptation may be
required in response to one particular stress (such as sea level rise and
coastal flooding/erosion) or multiple stresses. Questions of timescale can also
be brought into play – is change required this moment, this year, this decade,
or are we looking at centuries? A moveable feast, then.
Also helpful is Smit and Wandel’s tracing of the idea to
evolutionary biology, and mapping of how its meaning has changed as it has been
differently applied. Originally referring, they say, to “development of genetic
or behavioural characteristics which enable organisms or systems to cope with
environmental changes to survive or reproduce” (p.283), ‘adaptation’ (according
to Denevan whom they cite) might be broadened in the human context to encompass
response not only to the physical environment, but also a “change in internal
stimuli such as demography, economics and organization.” (p.283)
Climate stress and human activity

Some researchers have sought to analyse policy discourse
on climate change using pretty much the two distinct positions briefly outlined
above. Drawing on what they describe as “cornerstone social and scientific
theories” (p.91), O’Brien and Leichenko[2] propose “two basic and
contrasting views of winners and losers” in terms of climate change impacts.
(p.93) The first – linked with social Darwinism, environmental determinism and
neo-classical economics – “suggests that winner and losers are a natural,
inevitable and evolutionary outcome of either ecological outcomes or the
invisible hand of the free market – processes that are regarded as working for
the larger good”. (p.93) …The second view – linked to Marxian perspectives -
suggests that winners and losers are deliberately created through processes
that benefit some at the expense of others.” (p.93) To simplify, losses to
climate are broadly justified (desirable, even) by the first analysis, but not
by the second.
Are coastal dwellers adapting to climate change or, as I
see it, to an understanding of projections of climate change filtered through political
preferences and resulting policies? We have seen that ‘adaptation’ as a term might
cover a range of ideas, processes and activities that can differ hugely. The
London dweller who may never have heard of the Thames Estuary 2100 project that
will protect her and her interests from sea level rise in perpetuity – she is
adapting to climate change by Smit and Wandel’s definition. So too is the rural
coastal dweller who is told he can expect to lose his house uncompensated and
who spends his days and nights organising his neighbours, writing to officials
and reading policy documents.
yet in the time I have spent dealing with those who make and discharge policy I
have picked up the strong sense that ‘adaptation’ is only really used in
reference to those people and communities where the sums for state investment
in effective sea defence don’t add up. Recent Environment Agency guidance[3] for those working on the
coast that “A number of ‘tools’ are available to help individuals and
communities to adapt and become more resilient to coastal change and sea level
rise, especially where coastal defence
measures are not an option (my italics)” (p.154) would appear to lend
credence to this view, although of course this may be designed to reflect the
interests of the intended audience (I will attempt a fuller analysis of UK
government discourse at some point).
when I am tired and my resilience in the face of all this has deserted me, my
imagination leads me to the time when my home is pulled down in the face of the
sea and we must leave (although in reality I will probably be long dead by
then). My family and I load our things into our jalopy and join the other losers
on the dusty road to higher ground to begin our new lives. As the road climbs I
look back at the estuary we are leaving behind – in the distance I can see the
new flood barrier and, safe behind it, the skyscrapers owned by the global
banking corporations, the cathedral spires, the faint roofline of the busy city.
Much closer, the bulldozers bite into the walls of our house with disconcerting
ease – soon it will be hard to tell that it, and we, were ever there. Scanning
a printed flyer promising work opportunities further west, I comfort myself with
the thought that – even though we must surely suffer casualties along the way –
this is natural, inevitable and evolutionary, and that we are all of us now
properly adapted.
[1] Smit, B. and Wandel, J. 2006.
Adaptation, adaptive capacity and vulnerability. Global Environmental Change,
vol. 16, pp.282-292.
[2] O’Brien, K.L. and Leichenko, R.M.
2003. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93(1), pp. 89-103.
[3] Environment Agency. 2010. The coastal
handbook. A guide for all those working on the coast.
1 comment:
Hey chris, i just read your BLOG post. Its interesting to know your view point. Its very well researched and the point is well put forward.Yes, Adaptation is a process and has always been one. Man has evolved so much bio-physically ,just because he naturally learned the knack of adapting to the changing enviromental and social conditions. Well, at this point of time its ironical that we are taking courses/training in " Adaptation" precisely. But climate change is expected to displace millions of those who probably have been historically the least contributors to this problem. For thejm we need to know what adaptation essentially means.Despite this, they still need to invest in trillions to save themselves from the forth coming catastrophe.So its time, that mainstreaming adaptation should be the paramount of all. As your BLOG rightly revolves around the subject of adaptation, its no more a choice , its but an IMPERATIVE indeed. Thanks and keep writing
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